
People can develop themselves by their own abilities. Acquire the technique to achieve goals;
P: Make a plan,
D: Practice actions,
C: Check actions and achievements,
F: Receive Feedback,
A: Improve the action plan.
Forming PDCFA habit gives the ability to achieve goals on a continuous basis.

There is no meaning to focus on satisfaction rating of the trainings. Letting attendees off with the feeling of accomplishment is adverse effect. Shift the focus for the training from the day to the action on work days. Training is to motivate attendees to keep acting towards their goals.

When you can call people developed? Number of researchers have proved by their theories that the human development can be analyzed by looking at their behavior, cognition, or construction. Being able to look at the effect of trainings on human development with the 3 elements for the future possibilities.

Can’t we use the groups from the training afterwards? People come from different divisions to a training to form a diversity situation.

There are various theories on human resource development. Applying different theories to different trainings does not allow relative comparison, theoretic expansivity, and it is not beneficial to learners. Forming behavioral habits method to achieve goals must be unified (built as an infrastructure) to create useful data for each learner’s development. Creating such infrastructure is the knowledge management.

1999 Started using ICT into education.
2001 Found that Collaborative Learning is the key to learners-centered education.
2003 Wondered why people have difficulty on continuing their actions.
2004 Learned Measurement of educational effectiveness can apply to the quality certification for human resource development.

Continued researching and analyzing on behavior modification (ex. Sep. 15, 2008 Made a presentation at International Symposium on Innovation Strategy (ISIS 2008) in Session 4)
Download the resume (Japanese) → ISIS2008_Final_m.pdf

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